Thursday, October 11, 2018

Heidi Week 4 B - Portrait

"Always check the line art before rendering" Ngyuen already told me in reference to this piece.  Dang.  In painting, I didn't draw first... it was all rendering, and if the lines didn't look right after the first pass, or second, or third, I'd just keep adding paint and re-rendering until it looked right.

I'm still proud of my work.  I wouldn't have even known where to begin trying to accomplish this piece 6 weeks ago.  I made some alignment mistakes, But this is the first time I think I've ever rendered in charcoal well (I think aside from those facial isolation studies, the last time I used charcoal was like 20 years ago!).  It seems to read as exactly who its supposed to be, and I'm looking forward to practicing more and correcting the mistakes I did make.

Plus, who doesn't like spending a few hours gazing at Mr. Mmmmmomoa? :-P


1 comment:

  1. Looks great Heidi! We're all here to learn so no worries. :) Likeness is definitely captured. Well done!
