Thursday, November 8, 2018

Heidi Week 5 - Poster Line art

Here's the inked version of my line drawing, for a Pushing Daisies poster

I made some complicated overlapping choices in my composition, so I used varied contour lines to reinforce whats in front of what and help create depth.

I did a much better job of not over-lining these faces, than in the sketch cards. It was fun to practice making those tough choices and remembering that my work as an artist includes simplifying for the sake of concept curation and storytelling.  I'm happy with this so far, excited to put the color in.

Here's my photobashed reference:

I didn't do any tonal corrections to this photobash, with the exception of the grass background.   I'm doing a sepia value lay-in, so it'll be fun to watch my poster emerge with greater color unity than in my reference.  

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